Advantages of Litigation Finance: Strategies and Preparation

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Join the MSBA for Advantages of Litigation Finance: Strategies and Preparation on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 1 p.m.

Over the past decade, litigation finance has grown in prevalence and acceptance. Now more than ever, both law firms and corporations need to know how to take advantage of litigation finance to mitigate risk, preserve resources, and provide value to their clients and internal corporate stakeholders. This program will address the structure of litigation finance and the means by which funders navigate past ethical concerns, preserve privilege and confidentiality, and avoid conflicts of interest. It will also provide a current state of litigation finance and review recent notable legal decisions that have impacted the use of funding.
In addition, our team of experienced Investment Managers and Legal Counsel will share behind-the-scenes details of the funding process through case studies that will provide the participants insight into what type of cases are ideal candidates for litigation finance.

Presented by Jason Levine - Investment Manager and Legal Counsel & Matt Leland - Investment Manager and Legal Counsel

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One hour credit will be offered for the surrounding MCLE states of Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania. If you’re unable to attend the virtual program, the entire event will be recorded and available to you to view later.


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10/9/2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
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Last day to register is 10/9/2024

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