June 18, 2024 - by Raphael J. Santini

Five Objectives for the Upcoming Bar Year

I am truly honored and humbled by the privilege of serving as MSBA President. At my induction on June 7, I shared the five objectives I would like to accomplish this Bar Year, which begins July 1. 

#1 Inclusivity. All licensed attorneys in Maryland are welcome to participate in MSBA. DEIA is the lens through which we operate. Our motto is You Belong Here. Our goal is inclusive excellence. We have made great strides in the MSBA with diversity, but we are not done. In order to achieve this objective, MSBA staff and myself will visit every venue in this state and hold open forums to show prospective members the benefits of MSBA membership, and to demonstrate why MSBA is the voice of the profession. Additionally, I ask all attorneys in Maryland to visit the new MSBA.org, and find a committee in which to participate.

#2 Judicial security. A judicial officer must be neutral, detached, and free from danger in dispensing justice in our state. The judiciary and MSBA were successful in passing the Judge Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act, but there is more work to be done to enhance judicial security. We will continue to work towards achieving this goal with the judiciary and the legislative task force.

#3 Court interpreters. Every Maryland District Court should have a permanent qualified language and disability interpreter. This is an access to justice issue; any individual who is seeking a protective or peace order should have an interpreter physically present to explain their circumstances to a judicial officer. I will work with MSBA committees and the Board of Governors to address this issue as part of MSBA’s advocacy efforts.

# 4 Judicial retirement. The constitutional age for judicial retirement in Maryland should be eliminated. A person’s age alone should not determine whether they can serve our state; instead, the judicial vetting process should determine a candidate’s worthiness. Maryland loses out on the wisdom of private practitioners who want to give back to their profession but cannot because of the constitutional limitation. I will work with our legislative committee and Board of Governors to address this issue. 

#5 Mental health. I love the practice of law and helping people in the darkest moments of their lives. However, all the problems of the world darken our doorsteps. These problems can conflict with our economic, social, and familial obligations and create stress in our daily lives. MSBA’s Lawyer Assistance Program is here to help. Its network of therapists assist attorneys, their staff, and their families in dealing with a vast range of mental health issues. I want the word to go out that LAP is here to help. In order to achieve this objective, we will focus on this issue when we go to each venue.

I realize this is a lot to aspire to in one Bar Year. I am guided by a William Shakespeare quote from Julius Caesar, “it is not the stars that hold our destiny, but in ourselves.” I look forward to working with all of you, to foster a more diverse, equal, inclusive, and accessible bar association.