September 19, 2024 - by MSBA Staff

From the Boardroom: September 2024

On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, the MSBA Board of Governors (Board) held its first meeting since its inaugural meeting in June. MSBA President Raphael Santini kicked off the meeting by recapping his goals, which include:

  • Expanding membership in MSBA by ensuring members from across the State are aware of MSBA’s value
  • Continuing MSBA’s commitment to improving judicial security
  • Promoting key legislative initiatives to include expanded access to language and disability interpreters in the judicial process
  • Promoting MSBA’s Lawyers Assistance Program and its services that support attorneys and allied legal professionals with mental health and wellness initiatives

The Board also heard from two committees. Andrew Illuminati, Co-Chair of the Judicial Appointments Committee, presented recommended updates to the Judicial Appointment Committee regulations. Following engaging discussion and questions, the Board approved the new regulations. The regulations will be posted for MSBA Members to review on MSBA’s website.

In addition, Connie Kratovil-Lavelle, Co-Chair of the Rules Committee, presented the Board with an update on the expansion of voir dire. As part of her presentation, she summarized steps taken and asked the Board to approve MSBA’s position on expanded voir dire. The Board approved the policy position, which articulates that MSBA is in favor of expanded voir dire aimed at eliminating implicit bias in the judicial process. However, MSBA is neutral as to how the expansion is implemented. In addition, the Board approved the Rules Committee’s role as a resource to the judiciary to provide attorney feedback, develop a subcommittee to review model voir dire questions, and otherwise support the judiciary’s effort to determine the best course of action to expand voir dire.

Finally, the Board adopted a new Public Statements Policy (Policy). The Policy requires MSBA to limit public statements to those aligned with its core mission and provides a framework for the Board to review when a public statement is being considered. A copy of the adopted Policy will be posted as an addendum to MSBA’s existing Policy Manual on MSBA’s website.

The Board is scheduled to meet again on October 29, 2024.