July 2, 2024 - by MSBA Staff

Join MSBA for Drafting Contracts: What They Don't Teach You in Law School

Contracts are a key component of most business dealings, and few people would consider exchanging goods, services, or funds without an agreement defining their rights and obligations. Parties typically enter into contracts with the expectation that doing so will protect their interests. All too often, though, transactional relationships devolve, and parties who cannot resolve disagreements over the interpretation of contractual terms will ultimately involve the courts.

The key to avoiding litigation contracts, though, is to ensure that they are properly drafted at the onset. While most attorneys learned about contracts in law school, lawyers who do not regularly deal with contracts often lack in-depth knowledge about what measures they can employ to ensure that any contract they negotiate and draft for their clients is clear and comprehensive.

If you are interested in learning more about drafting contracts, join MSBA for Drafting Contracts: What They Don’t Teach You in Law School on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 9 am. During this seminar, which will be presented via livestream, Charles A. “Chuck” Borek of the Borek Group, LLC will discuss the process of drafting and analyzing contracts from beginning to end.

The topics covered will include:

  • Unconventional Conventions: Format and Style
  • Identifying Parties, Recitals, and Definitions
  • The Prime Clause: What’s Being Transferred
  • Payment and Financial Terms
  • You Say Representation, I Say Warranty
  • Boiling Down Boilerplate
  • Remembering Remedies

Four hours of credit will be offered for surrounding MCLE states. If you’re unable to attend the live virtual program in July, the entire event will be recorded and available to you to view later.

You can register for the program here and can pre-purchase the OnDemand program here.