February 14, 2024 - by Lisa Caplan

Boost your happiness chemicals  with some simple lifestyle changes

Dopamine - The Reward Chemical

  •  Practicing self-care
  • Eating more protein and less saturated fat
  • Meditate
  • Exercise often
  • Listen to your favorite music

Oxytocin - The Love Hormone

  • Hug a family member
  • Play with your dog
  • Tell someone how much you care
  • Spend time with a friend
  • Make your conversations count
  • Give a compliment

Serotonin - The Mood Stabilizer

  •  Take a walk in nature
  • Regular exercise like:
    • Walking
    • biking
    • Running
    • Swimming
  • Spend 10 - 15 minutes outside each day
  • Meditate

Endorphin - The Body's Natural Pain Killer

  • Laughter
  • Exercise in nature
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Watch a funny show