Ethics Hotline & Opinions

Ethics Docket No. 1995-24




Charging For Expenses In Contingent Cases


You have indicated that after your firm had been retained to represent a client, another firm then sought to ""sign-up"" the client by providing the client with a document titled ""Power of Attorney"" which sets forth the terms for a proposed contingency fee agreement.

You not that ""[t]he only thing that I find that troubles me. . . is the sentence 'at the conclusion of the claim, there will be no fee or charge for expenses unless I receive a settlement offer or judgment,' "" and you then indicate that it is your understanding of the Code of Professional Conduct that while funds can be advanced on behalf of a client, one is not permitted ""to finance litigation.""

The Committee suggests that you read Rule 1.8 (e) (1), which provides:

A lawyer shall not provide financial assistance to a client in connection with pending or contemplated litigation, except that:

(1) a lawyer may advance court costs and expenses of litigation, the re-payment of which may be contingent on the outcome of the matter.


DISCLAIMER: Opinions of the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) Ethics Committee are an uncompensated service of the MSBA. This Committee’s opinions are not binding on the Maryland Court of Appeals, Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission, MSBA or this Committee. The reader is advised that subsequent judicial opinions, revisions to the rules of professional conduct, and future opinions of this Committee may render the Opinions stated herein outdated. As such, the Committee’s opinions are advisory only and neither the Committee nor the MSBA assumes any liability whatsoever with respect thereto. Accordingly, reliance upon the opinions of this Committee is solely at the risk of the user.