Maryland's First Black Lawyers and Their Quest to Integrate the Bar

Maryland's First Black Lawyers and Their Quest to Integrat

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The story of the struggle to integrate the Maryland bar has been overlooked by history – until now. Join us for this illuminating program, which looks at how , even long after other former slaveholding states had admitted Black lawyers, Maryland resisted legal challenges to its racially restrictive bar admission statute until 1885. This program examines the lives and legacies of those who fought to overcome this color barrier, from Edward Garrison Draper in 1857 to Everett Waring in 1885. Learn about pioneers of our profession like Waring, who went on to become the first Black lawyer to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court in 1890.

Presented by Hon. John Browning, Faulkner University School of Law

This presentation is FREE for MSBA Members as part of the Virtual Learning Pass membership benefit! 

One hour of CLE credit will be offered to the surrounding MCLE states of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Delaware.

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