Identifying Existing, but Evolving, Issues and New Remedies in the Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults

Identifying Existing, but Evolving, Issues and New Reme

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The presentation will be a panel discussion that includes a discussion of financial exploitation of vulnerable adults from the perspectives of private practice attorneys, the bench, prosecutors, and a geriatric medical expert. The panel will have an in-depth discussion of the relatively new Maryland SAFE Act created to provide a substantial civil remedy when Vulnerable Adults are financially exploited and discuss a few cases that have been filed. Specimen Pleadings will be made available. Panelists will also discuss existing civil and criminal remedies, and when cases are appropriate for referral to prosecutors and the Attorney General's office.

Panelists include:

Adam Spence, Esq., Spence Spier
Robert M. Horne, Esq., The Penater Law Firm, LLC
Lisa Hyle Marts, Esq., Office of the Attorney General
Hon. Charles Bernstein, Baltimore City Orphans Court
Stephen J. Nolan, Esq., Smith, Gildea & Schmidt, LLC
Peter Rabins, MD, MPH

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Discounted member price: 149.00
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