This presentation is inspired by a real-life occurrence that was unlike any contentious cross- examination, closing argument, or bet the company litigation ever handled by the presenters. Learn what to do when it comes to preparing a client for an emergency situation, such as when a regulatory and/or law enforcement agency comes knocking and threatens to shut down a lucrative product line of your client. Developing a crisis management playbook is essential and a company should establish a company continuity plan and culture that sets forth detailed steps to take to avoid crises. Our panelists will provide specific examples and recommendations on how to avoid crises- insured or otherwise through a holistic multidisciplinary approach that includes guidance from lawyers, RMs, and the C-Suite.
Marisa A Trasatti, Esq., Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP
Linda Lenrow Lopez, Risk Alternatives at L3 Management Innovations, LLC
Robert Scott, Esq., Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP
Aaron Burton, CEO at Sciton
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