Handling Student Loans in Bankruptcy - The Current Landscape

Handling Student Loans in Bankruptcy: The Current Landsca

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The treatment of student loans in bankruptcy has undergone major revisions over the last three decades, going from less restrictive to more restrictive treatment or from more favorable to less favorable depending on perspective. It appears that the ebb and flow of this treatment may now be flowing back to less restrictive or more favorable to borrowers. This program will examine the current state of handling student loan debt in bankruptcy in issues including nondischargeability and plan treatment. The program will also discuss the recent settlement between the Navient Corporation and 38 states and the District of Columbia, the results of which will determine if a student loan even has to be administered in a bankruptcy case. This is a program not to be missed.

Presented by Bud Stephen Tayman, Bud Stephen Tayman, P.A.


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