A Narrative on Ensuring the “A” for Accessibility in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and ADR

A Narrative on Ensuring the “A” for Accessibility in Diversi

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A narrative on Ensuring the “A” for Accessibility in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in ADR Time to Expand who is at the Table Join leaders in dispute resolution practices to discuss expanding the circle of the neutrals at the table, including most notably, people with disabilities typically overlooked as competent and as part of DEI work. According to one author on leadership, “Every leader should be able to tell two important stories.” Those are: • How have you become involved with Leadership? What could be defined as your “leadership portrait.” • What is the vision for the future? What is it you wish to Accomplish as a Leader? We hope to better equip you as Alternative Dispute Resolution leaders with specific skills and a better understanding of the current legal atmosphere with our discussion of these specific topics. We will explore the accessibility, inclusiveness, and usability of ADR approaches. In addition, we will be discussing how we can better serve those we are helping through the ADR process. Finally, we will discuss how we as leaders are looking to better not only ourselves but also the ADR process as a whole by making it more accessible and accommodating for all. The presentation will be centered on narrative, questions, and facilitated dialogue. Our speakers will provide a tip sheet and practical input on ensuring the “A” for accessibility.

One hour credit will be offered for the surrounding MCLE states of Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania.

The Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) is committed to making its online and in-person services, products, and events accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. To request an accommodation, please complete this


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